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Spectra can be conformed to a standard suite of wavenumbers to be compared with a reference library or to be merged to other spectra.


conform_spec(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
conform_spec(x, ...)

# S3 method for OpenSpecy
conform_spec(x, range = NULL, res = 5, allow_na = F, type = "interp", ...)



a list object of class OpenSpecy.


a vector of new wavenumber values, can be just supplied as a min and max value.


spectral resolution adjusted to or NULL if the raw range should be used.


logical; should NA values in places beyond the wavenumbers of the dataset be allowed?


the type of wavenumber adjustment to make. "interp" results in linear interpolation while "roll" conducts a nearest rolling join of the wavenumbers. "mean_up" only works when Spectra are being aggregated, we take the mean of the intensities within the wavenumber specified. This can maintain smaller peaks and make spectra more similar to it's less resolved relatives. mean_up option is still experimental.


further arguments passed to approx()


adj_intens() returns a data frame containing two columns named "wavenumber" and "intensity"

See also

restrict_range() and flatten_range() for adjusting wavenumber ranges; subtr_baseline() for spectral background correction


Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz


conform_spec(raman_hdpe, c(1000, 2000))
#>      wavenumber intensity
#>           <num>     <num>
#>   1:       1000  61.69439
#>   2:       1005  69.33837
#>   3:       1010  66.49849
#>   4:       1015  65.00000
#>   5:       1020  70.80060
#>  ---                     
#> 197:       1980 100.32542
#> 198:       1985 114.12203
#> 199:       1990 122.80339
#> 200:       1995 106.29492
#> 201:       2000 115.16610
#> $metadata
#>        x     y  user_name spectrum_type spectrum_identity      organization
#>    <int> <int>     <char>        <char>            <char>            <char>
#> 1:     1     1 Win Cowger         Raman              HDPE Horiba Scientific
#>     license                                                        session_id
#>      <char>                                                            <char>
#> 1: CC BY-NC 5728ddde4f649fd71f6f487fc5ad8d80/dc85257201307a131e71d9ec24aaccbf
#>                             file_id
#>                              <char>
#> 1: cb06ce2846b119d932fb6696479a445b