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restrict_range() restricts wavenumber ranges to user specified values. Multiple ranges can be specified by inputting a series of max and min values in order. flatten_range() will flatten ranges of the spectra that should have no peaks. Multiple ranges can be specified by inputting the series of max and min values in order.


restrict_range(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
restrict_range(x, ...)

# S3 method for OpenSpecy
restrict_range(x, min, max, make_rel = TRUE, ...)

flatten_range(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
flatten_range(x, ...)

# S3 method for OpenSpecy
flatten_range(x, min = 2200, max = 2400, make_rel = TRUE, ...)



an OpenSpecy object.


a vector of minimum values for the range to be flattened.


a vector of maximum values for the range to be flattened.


logical; should the output intensities be normalized to the range [0, 1] using make_rel() function?


additional arguments passed to subfunctions; currently not in use.


An OpenSpecy object with the spectral intensities within specified ranges restricted or flattened.

See also

conform_spec() for conforming wavenumbers to be matched with a reference library; adj_intens() for log transformation functions; min() and round()


Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz


test_noise <- as_OpenSpecy(x = seq(400,4000, by = 10),
                           spectra = data.frame(intensity = rnorm(361)))

restrict_range(test_noise, min = 1000, max = 2000)
#>      wavenumber intensity
#>           <num>     <num>
#>   1:       1000 0.7779144
#>   2:       1010 0.4108821
#>   3:       1020 0.7862717
#>   4:       1030 0.4993344
#>   5:       1040 0.3027464
#>  ---                     
#>  97:       1960 0.5593439
#>  98:       1970 0.4760214
#>  99:       1980 0.7164056
#> 100:       1990 0.7209565
#> 101:       2000 0.1502945
#> $metadata
#>        x     y  license    col_id                          file_id
#>    <int> <int>   <char>    <char>                           <char>
#> 1:     1     1 CC BY-NC intensity 5ef3b78d1f815177bb927948a30ed9d1

flattened_intensities <- flatten_range(test_noise, min = c(1000, 2000),
                                       max = c(1500, 2500))