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This function allows ENVI data import.


  header = NULL,
  spectral_smooth = F,
  sigma = c(1, 1, 1),
  share = NULL,
  metadata = list(file_name = basename(file), user_name = NULL, contact_info = NULL,
    organization = NULL, citation = NULL, spectrum_type = NULL, spectrum_identity = NULL,
    material_form = NULL, material_phase = NULL, material_producer = NULL,
    material_purity = NULL, material_quality = NULL, material_color = NULL,
    material_other = NULL, cas_number = NULL, instrument_used = NULL,
    instrument_accessories = NULL, instrument_mode = NULL, spectral_resolution = NULL,
    laser_light_used = NULL, number_of_accumulations = NULL, 
    total_acquisition_time_s = NULL, data_processing_procedure = NULL,
    level_of_confidence_in_identification = NULL, other_info = NULL, license =
    "CC BY-NC"),



name of the binary file.


name of the ASCII header file. If NULL, the name of the header file is guessed by looking for a second file with the same basename as file but with .hdr extension.


logical value determines whether spectral smoothing will be performed.


if spectral_smooth then this option applies the 3d standard deviations for the gaussianSmooth function from the mmand package to describe how spectral smoothing occurs on each dimension. The first two dimensions are x and y, the third is the wavenumbers.


defaults to NULL; needed to share spectra with the Open Specy community; see share_spec() for details.


a named list of the metadata; see as_OpenSpecy() for details.


further arguments passed to the submethods.


An OpenSpecy object.


ENVI data usually consists of two files, an ASCII header and a binary data file. The header contains all information necessary for correctly reading the binary file via read.ENVI().

See also

read_spec() for reading .y(a)ml, .json, or .rds (OpenSpecy) files; read_text(), read_asp(), read_spa(), read_spc(), and read_jdx() for text files, .asp, .spa, .spa, .spc, and .jdx formats, respectively; read_opus() for reading .0 (OPUS) files; read_zip() and read_any() for wrapper functions; read.ENVI() gaussianSmooth()


Zacharias Steinmetz, Claudia Beleites