added 2 new libraries a nobaseline and derivative version of medioid and model
Created new function for spatial smooth without reading envi files
Allow adj_intens to work on vectors or Open Specy objects
fixed bug with mac reading libraries
OpenSpecy 1.2.0
CRAN release: 2024-09-14
Potentially Breaking
Removed share data options in all functions. They just weren’t useful to users at all and were more of an administrative thing. Keeping them forced us to be incompatible with webR.
added support for siMPle files.
added support for xyz files.
added support for img files.
improved interactive plot popups.
changed how libraries are downloaded to avoid osfr pacakage.
increased support for options when collapsing maps.
avoid forcing min-max relative plots in interactive mode.
create static map option.
OpenSpecy 1.1.0
CRAN release: 2024-06-13
Minor Improvements
updated links
OpenSpecy 1.0.9
Minor Improvements
more closing and flexibility options
OpenSpecy 1.0.8
CRAN release: 2024-03-14
Minor Improvements
updated manage_na, spec_res, read_any for easier flow with the app
Spectra are now stored in dedicated OpenSpecy objects, which can be managed with a set of new functions including c_spec() for concatenating spectra or converting them back to tables
Various functions have been renamed and improved, for instance, to facilitate reading (and writing) spectral files
New functions include def_features() to identify microplastics in spectral maps and ai_classify() to use AI for matching/identifying spectra